It wasn't in my plans to write another blog until after I arrived in Africa. After all, not much would be happening until I planted my feet on the African sand. I could not have been more mistaken.
Some of the details of preparation are rather mundane....taking care of material things. Never having been in a position where I would be leaving for such an extended period of time , I discovered how much I didn't know. I found once more how eager people are to be of assistance. I learned to network and ask for help. It is not always easy to allow people to help when you tend to think you are somewhat independent.There is always someone who has the expertise in whatever area you encounter.And they WANT to help. I am still learning that it is a gift to allow people to help you.God puts people into our lives. We just need to be open to accepting the gift they offer.
Farewells and closures are not my strong points. Yet, I have painfully discovered how necessary and healthy they are.Leaving my students and friends at St. Agnes Academy was the most difficult last day of school that I have experienced in 42 years. Although I will not be physically present, my heart still beats in Dalton! I look forward with hope and joy to the new ways God will lead us to in joining St. Agnes Academy and Sheltering Wings .
Connections Day in August provided time to come together with the Community of St. Joseph and pray for blessings for us all as we begin a new year of service,"Uniting neighbor with neighbor and neighbor with God" , through the various ministries in which we engage. It was during this time that my individual commissioning took place. I was called forward and as our sisters who have been engaged in Africa placed a beautiful African shawl over my shoulders, all present extended hands in blessing. At that moment , it was clear that where one Sister of St. Joseph ministers, we all minister.
Celebrations, too many to mention individually , continue to cause me to rejoice at the blessings that surround me. My dear friends at the PJP Charity Center with whom I work on Wednesday afternoons, really know how to plan a picnic. My cheeks still ache from smiling!
Just this past weekend, I was given the opportunity by Fr. Dan to share my story with members of our parish community. Once more I marvel at the generosity and prayerful support extended to me.During the presentation of the missionary cross and blessing for missionaries , it became very clear to me that I do not journey alone.
For all your prayers and blessings, I am grateful !