
Thursday, November 30, 2017

November In The Village

Morning coffee and village bread
Bananas for sale
November in the village and so much for which to be thankful.
Each morning we begin the day with gratitude for the privilege to live in our wonderful African village.
It was such a treat when a friend arrived with warm homemade bread fresh from his brick oven. Right on his  heels came a young girl selling bananas.

Minutes later I had the gift of attending the birth of a baby girl

It's a girl ! 
Only minutes old!
In this remote area it is essential for pastors to have a motorcycle in order to minister to the needs of his congregation and take part in conferences and other necessary daily tasks. Yet for years Pastor Ibrahim carried on his ministry with only a bicycle for transportation. Recently his prayers were answered when he was blessed with the gift of a new moto. We kept the good news a surprise until we pulled up to the store to purchase the moto. His response was, "Alleluia " !

Thursday, October 19, 2017

School Days

What great fun it was to see the smiles of appreciation on the faces of our sponsored children in seven different villages. The generosity of our sponsors has sent over 150 children to school from first grade to university.  School fees were paid, books and school supplies purchased and backpacks distributed.

Off to 1 st grade

Families received soap and a 100lb. sack of rice. Over and over we have heard how the harvest this year was so poor due to inadequate rainfall. This generous gift will help feed families in the coming weeks.

Love that backpack !

Children here are so eager to go to school !

Happiness is going to school !

The heartfelt gratitude of each child and family is in itself a gift in return!
Thanks for the opportunity to learn !

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Making a Difference

One of my greatest joys is seeing what sponsorship does for the children who are fortunate enough to have a sponsor.

Barka is a perfect example of how sponsorship changes lives. St Agnes Academy has been part of her life for over ten years.And what a difference that has made. She has grown from a sweet girl to a lovely young lady. Through the years she has worked hard in school always wanting her sponsor to be proud of her. She recently passed  a test similar to an entrance exam which allows her to advance to university level. She hopes to study medicine but many factors will determine the  direction her future takes.

Barka holding peanuts

Maybe you are considering sponsoring a child. I would love to have other children know the love and hope Barka has experienced.

I would love to have a sponsor !

Siesoma is looking for a sponsor. Please contact me at if you would like to impact her life. Or visit our website at Choose Child Sponsorship, Burkina Faso, and select Ruth and Linda to view the children in our area.

We are ever so grateful for the many dedicated sponsors from St. Agnes Parish and for all you do for me and our children here.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

How great is our God !

In the land of almost constant sunshine solar power is the way to go. Thanks to the Knights of Columbus in Dalton, MA,  our clinic now functions with greater ease during evening and night hours. How is it that most babies chose to enter the world in the wee hours of the night? Four new arrivals made their debut in the span of twelve hours. The nurses expressed sincere gratitude for the lighting that allowed them to do their work with greater confidence and effectiveness.

Weighing in right after birth.And we can read the scale thanks to solar power !

Flat tires are a way of life on theses rugged roads. 

Bystanders to the rescue!

Though we were expecting to purchase two new tires, we made the decision to purchase a whole new set. We were so happy to find a shop that sold quality tires with familiar brands.  It didn’t hurt that the owner served Lebanese coffee while we waited either. Now we travel with greater confidence.

Ready for new tires

Our hearts are ever filled with gratitude to the gifted quilters who share their talent with our newborns. The moms are just delighted with the hats, quilts, and outfits with share from you.

Baby gifts

We thank God for each of you who make our ministry here possible!

How great is our God !

Monday, May 1, 2017

Aways Something To Make Me Smile

No two days here are the same and that is something I love about life here. You never know what lies ahead but it is never dull.

The secondary school teachers and students in a neighboring village were very excited to receive supplemental textbooks from a benefactor in France. Thank you Dawn for making this happen!

So happy to receive books

I will never grow tired of seeing the beautiful babies born in our nearby maternity. What a blessing this facility has been to the village. We love living so close to the maternity. It provides an opportunity to visit the mamas and bring gifts to celebrate their new addition. Thanks so much to all who send blankets and baby clothing.

Precious newborn

  Our milk program continues to provide supplemental nourishment for at risk babies. Babies continually graduate from the program and are quickly replaced by others in need.

New addition to our milk program

This widow cannot see and is not mobile due to an accident years ago. Members of her extended family care her for. She just wanted to dance and sing when she received her gifts from the widow sponsorship program. More widows are available if you would like to help. The donation is $20 a month.

Such a grateful widow!

 We traveled to various orphanages to visit children who are waiting for their "forever families". I must admit that I wanted to take them all home with me.

O. is always smiling

R. is still waiting 

Sweet and gentle S.

 If you have been thinking/praying about international adoption,
please contact us so we can begin to talk. Ruth   -
        Linda  -