
Saturday, November 22, 2014

Looking Forward

Twenty-three days ago yesterday Burkina Faso was is the midst of violent protests. Crowds numbering in the hundreds of thousands marched on the capital city of Ouagadougou manifesting their frustration and outrage with Blaise Campaore, president for the past 27 years. The attempt to pass a referendum changing the constitution so he could run for re-election next year ignited embers of smoldering anger. Demonstrations became ugly. Lives were lost and parliament was set ablaze. Blaise Campaore fled the country leaving the door open for new leadership.
Parliament ablaze

This week a new interim president was installed just one day after being elected by a unanimous vote. Michele Kafando comes with impressive credentials. Mr.Kafando served at UN headquarters for almost 15 years and was
 Minister of Foreign Affairs for Burkina Faso. He is an experienced diplomat with many international connections to help move the country forward.

US Ambassador Tulinabo Mushingui  and Pres. Kafando

His first act as president, appointing army officer Col. Isaac Zida as prime minister, came one day after his installation.

PrimeMinister Col. Isaac Zida and President Michele Kafando

Our prayers are with Burkina Faso and its leaders in the months leading up to the presidential   elections next fall.

Presidential photo

Days of waiting are over. Our new truck has arrived! All that remains is getting needed paperwork, inspection, insurance and license plates. Then we will finally be on the road to Kimini where much work awaits us.
It is difficult to find words to express how deeply grateful we are to each and every one of you who helped make this possible. You have done so much more than provide a reliable means of transportation for us. You have helped us fulfill our mission to care for the “least of these” in Burkina. Each time we get into the truck we will whisper a prayer of thanks for each of you.

“ I give thanks to my God at every remembrance of you, praying always with joy for my every prayer for all of you because of your partnership for the gospel from the first day until now.”  Phil.1: 4

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